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OASLI Membership

Becoming an OASLI member is a great opportunity to network with professional interpreters, participate in OASLI-sponsored events and committees, and support the profession. 

The Ontario Association of Sign Language Interpreters (OASLI) membership is offered in two categories: Active and Student members. 

ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP is open to those who are actively working as an interpreter and meet minimum education requirements. This category applies to

  • ASL-English Interpreters
  • Deaf Interpreters
  • LSQ-French Interpreters

Active members receive the following benefits:

  • receive monthly e-newsletters (Board Bytes) and information via the OASLI listserv
  • included in the online OASLI Directory of Interpreters
  • reduced member rates at OASLI-sponsored professional development events
  • participate in OASLI committees that strive to provide members with current resources and information
  • opportunities to represent OASLI at community events across the province
  • opportunities to serve as an OASLI representative to external committees
  • access to Members' Area of the website
  • eligible to vote at meetings of the membership
  • eligible to run for a position on the Board of Directors
  • receive information about interpreting-related employment opportunities

Click here to renew your OASLI/AVLIC Membership

To become an OASLI member, or for more information on membership and exemption, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Here is a link to information on how to Join AVLIC as A Deaf Interpreter -ASL Version

STUDENT MEMBERSHIP is open to all individuals currently enrolled in a recognized interpreter training program.

Student members receive the following benefits:

  • receive monthly e-newsletter and information via the OASLI listserv
  • reduced registration fees at OASLI-sponsored professional development opportunities
  • attend OASLI meetings of the membership
  • eligible to run for Student Representative to the Board position (3rd year students only)
  • participate in OASLI committees that strive to provide members with current resources and information
  • access to the Members' area of the OASLI website

SUBSCRIBER category is open to individuals or organizations who do not meet the requirements of membership above, but wish to be supporters of OASLI. This is a great way to stay informed about OASLI, while supporting the organization. Subscribers are included on the OASLI listserv (email distribution list) and receive updates, information and our monthly e-newsletter, Board Bytes.

Registration and Payment

All memberships are paid to and processed by the Association of Visual Language Interpreters (AVLIC). Dual membership with OASLI and AVLIC is required for membership.

To become an active member, student member or subscriber- please submit your registration through AVLIC

The AVLIC/OASLI membership year runs from April 1 - March 31 annually. New memberships can be processed at any time of the year, but fees will not be pro-rated.

Membership Exemption

Membership exemption (or leave) is an option for Active Members who require long term leave due to

  • illness/injury
  • upgrading education
  • bereavement
  • parental leave

Click here to renew your OASLI/AVLIC Membership

To become an OASLI member, or for more information on membership and exemption, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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